Might be related to distance, but they should always show if you're in the same area. In-world markers for team members are inconsistent, and often don't even show.Needs functionality to create markers/waypoints, so that you can show team members where to go.Loading screen for the forge is not acceptable.Some menus seem to render with really low fps (20?).Could be one screen with a summary, and then click more details if you want. The post-game summary/tally is excruciatingly slow.Journal has to load everything after you click it (with a spinner and everything).Waiting for menus to populate, like any of the social menus (the friends menu in particular often fails to load anything).Jump-in animation for expeditions is cool, but slooooow when you're doing it for the 100th time.If you want us to spend a lot of time in the game, any amount of waiting for menus (or other non-gameplay features!) will get annoying real fast.
#Anthem pc demo isnt loading Pc#
We are PC gamers and used to have all the information.

Now I have to click the actual advanced label, which is just an extra step for nothing. When I hover over Advanced, I should be able to click the things, or at least that should make it go into the advanced settings.

Menus/interface/mouse: This is getting its own section because it's quite obvious that this is a port of the console menus, and in need of serious improvement

Disconnecting/crashing in the boss fight, and then reconnecting will put you outside the boss door while it's locked.The crashes seemed weird, like time almost stopped, and I could somewhat move the mouse/view for about 5 seconds before it hard crashed to desktop. Would sometimes (still only in this one instance) crash as I entered back in as well. In one instance, I had a bunch of crashes in the Stronghold (6-7 times).The game starts in exclusive fullscreen mode, then switches to borderless (if that's what you've set).FPS in Tarsis is worse than in the rest of the game world, which seems odd.While in Tarsis, there is some weird mouse acceleration/smoothing going on, making mouse movement feel really sluggish.Some of the advanced graphical settings don't apply until you restart, or have little to no impact on visuals or performance.This is fixed with it set to High or Ultra, but then motion blur is on. Post Processing: Medium or below turns off motion blur, but also makes it feel like the game renders only about half the number of frames that the fps counter displays.The general theme will be that the gameplay is very cool, but everything inbetween is not. This is feedback for the PC version, as that is the only one I've played. The post will seem negative, but I really like the gameplay.

I'm writing this because I think this could be a fantastic game, but it has a lot of little quirks and faults that holds it back.